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12 Day Rd
Rockingham, WA, 6168

0423 284502

With over 20 years experience in wooden boat building and repair Tony O'Connor is pleased to discuss any aspect of Wooden boat construction mast and spar construction and repair as well as outfitting boats of all construction methods with boat owners in Perth Western Australia.

Tony is  also available to cut CNC parts to order for customers.

Tony is also delighted to be the Australian builder for Francois Viviers gaff yawl Jewell design and is the authorised  supplier of cnc kits for Jewell ,and will be happy to supply complete or partial  kits for other Vivier designs to  costumers requirements


tony planing.jpg

Copy of Francois Vivier Designs

Naval architect Francois Vivier has been designing traditional sailing boats for over thirty years.

The majority of Vivier designs are available to be cut on a cnc machine to save time and to allow the home builder to tackle larger and more complex builds with relative ease.

We are delighted to be associated with Francois and are happy to help home builders wishing to build one of his beautiful boats by providing cnc cut plywood kits as well as all other materials, fastenings etc. and of course technical advice when required.

Please note that boat plans including builders manuals and construction drawings are sold separately.

Due to recent currency fluctuations kit prices are under review, please contact us for current prices.

If you wish to learn more about Francois Vivier designs see his website at

A selection of Francois Vivier designs available  as complete boats or cnc cut kits from OConnor Wooden Boats .



 Aber is designed as a sail and oar boat providing lively sailing performance and fast and efficient rowing performance.

Aber kit consists of 11 sheets of plywood .


Ilur is a larger version of Aber, heavier and more stable with more people carrying capacity.

Rig options include standing lug, balanced lug, lug rigged sloop and now a balanced lug yawl.

Ilur kits consist of 15 sheets of plywood, including building frame and molds .




Ilur kit ready for freight.                             


Meaban is a trailerable classic cruiser, with accommodation for 3 or 4. The centerboard is designed in order to pivot under the cockpit sole, avoiding a cumbersome centerboard case in the middle of the cabin. This allows both a large cockpit for day cruising as well as minimum but very practical accommodations with a small galley, many lockers, a toilet between fore berths, a sliding chart table and a foldable dinner table.


Beg-Meil is a traditional day-boat, gaff sloop rigged, just like many that existed in the old days. It is elegant and seaworthy with its half-deck and varnished wood coamings. A steel pivoting centreboard (40 kg) provides stability and performance. She could be used as a day boat, in the style of old dinghies. You can sail alone, or with a crew of 3 and even 4. She is planked over plywood bulkheads, either with wooden strips or marine plywood lapstrakes. The lapstrake or clinker-built version is easier to build.

Launching and recovering from a trailer is effortless.


Ebihen 15, 16  and 18

 A range of classic sailing boats with good carrying capacity and handling and the option of water ballast for enhanced seaworthiness.

The Ebihen 16 kit consists of 20 sheets of ply including building jig and molds.

                                                                 Ebihen 15

                                                             Ebihen 16

Ebihen 18 in 3d

Ebihen 18 in 3d


Stir Ven is a fast and able overnighter, with two berths and a large cockpit.

The 6.7m Stir Ven kit consists of 32 sheets of plywood , including building frame and molds.


O'Connor Wooden Boats. Unit 4, 12 Day rd. East Rockingham. 6168 Western Australia. Phone 08 95921826. 

Mobile 0423 284502