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12 Day Rd
Rockingham, WA, 6168

0423 284502

With over 20 years experience in wooden boat building and repair Tony O'Connor is pleased to discuss any aspect of Wooden boat construction mast and spar construction and repair as well as outfitting boats of all construction methods with boat owners in Perth Western Australia.

Tony is  also available to cut CNC parts to order for customers.

Tony is also delighted to be the Australian builder for Francois Viviers gaff yawl Jewell design and is the authorised  supplier of cnc kits for Jewell ,and will be happy to supply complete or partial  kits for other Vivier designs to  costumers requirements


Naval cadet boats

Construction of Jewell began in May 2014.


Planking cont.

tony o'connor

With the garboards fitted and glassed, the rest of the planks are fitted in the usual manner.

Plank no.2 fitted, the wooden blocks sticking out from the frames are for the plank to rest on while fitting.

Planking continues with each plank sealed and sanded on the inside and each of the scarfs glassed on the inside also.

Plank 3 prepared for fitting

Fitting fourth plank, the wooden clamp helps to hold the edges together, small screws are also used.

Monday 28th. 4th planks on both sides fitted. Hopefully if I don't have too many distractions for the rest of the week I will be able to get the final planks on by the end of the month.

Final plank, Thursday 31st.

Side view showing wooden plank clamps and supports for the plank.

Next day with clamps removed.

Now that the final plank is fitted the next job is to fill screw holes, fair planks, fit outer stem, fllet the plank edges to the adjoining plank and then start to undercoat the hull. The plan is to prime and undercoat the hull , then turn the hull over and do the fitting out, the final coat will be applied when the fitout is complete.